Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Be sure to check the F&F blog post for today.  You will find information about F&F tests given for this unit.  The tests will be on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 10-11.

Pinecrest field trip is scheduled for Friday, October 17.  Be looking for more information to be sent home about this field trip.  This is a teacher/student field trip, and we will not be using parents for transportation/supervision.

Parent Teacher conferences are Friday, September 12.  This is a full day dismissal for all students.  You will be receiving a note regarding the procedures for 5th grade in your Wednesday folder.

Please remember to send all papers back in the Wednesday folder AND sign the paper in the back on all three columns showing you have looked at all three class's work.

Don't forget - we are OUT OF SCHOOL on Monday for Labor Day!

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