Bible Policies and Procedures

NCS 5th Grade Bible Class
                Welcome to 5th Grade Bible Class!  I am looking forward to a great year of learning more about God and His plans for us! 

Grading & Homework
          Your Bible grade on your report card will either be an E (Excellent), S (Satisfactory), N (Needs improvement), U (Unsatisfactory).  This grade will be made up of several things.
·        Each week you will have a Bible verse to memorize.  The average of these verses will make up 50% of your grade for each nine weeks. 
·        We will have tests in Bible class that will review the things we have learned. Tests count 30% of your grade for each nine weeks.
·        You will also have notebook checks and homework in 5th grade Bible.  These will comprise 20% of your grade for each nine weeks.
I will announce tests at least a week before they are given.  They will also be put on your class’ homework board.  It is your responsibility to ask a friend for the notes from Bible class if you are absent during our class so that your folder is always current.

Bible & Bible Verses -    You received a New King James Version Bible this year.  Please have it for every Bible class along with your folder.  The Bible Verses that you will memorize are from the New King James Version also.

Expectations - During Bible class, I will expect you to 
1.)  Follow directions immediately.
2.)  Be courteous and respectful to teachers and other students.
3.)  Be ready with supplies.
4.)  Do your best.

Discipline Plan -   I will be using the same discipline plan as your homeroom teacher.

Curriculum - In 5th grade Bible, we will be studying Who is God? and Who Am I?  along with the Life of Daniel.   We will also learn how we can use the biblical truths that we study to live a godly life.   

          Your Bible teacher is Cindy Brassell.  Feel free to contact her with any questions you may have at

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