Tuesday, March 17, 2015


On Monday and Tuesday we will give the Writing Assessment to our 4th-6th grade students.  A good breakfast and plenty of sleep are recommended!  Please avoid checking your child out of school during testing times.
In Him,

Allison Moffett

Monday, March 16, 2015

Oregon Trail is tomorrow!  Don't forget your food item and wagon!  You may dress as a pioneer.  You may wear jeans or uniform bottoms if you choose.

Picture day is Wednesday.  Students may wear Sunday clothes.  You may not wear jeans!!!!   Girls make sure you have a sweater over any dress that is "strappy".  

Next Monday and Tuesday we will be taking the Writing Assessment test in class from 8:45-9:45.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Due the an unfavorable weather forecast, the 5th grade teachers have decided to postpone the outdoor Oregon Trail activities that were originally scheduled for this Friday.  The new date is Thursday March 19, 2015.